Marriage is designed to be a covenantal relationship that far exceeds any other relational construct. It’s immensely important and incredibly beautiful as God designed it. In this episode we talked about the bigness and depth of what it means to live in a covenantal marriage.
Becoming a “Family Team” (Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke)
Family is the first and most important institution created by God, yet we often live by default instead of by design. In today’s episode, we spoke with Jeff and Alyssa Bethke about their passion for Family Teams, what that term means, and how to celebrate the importance of being a family through rhythms of rest and celebration.
Pornography (Part 2: The Path to Purity)
This is the second part of a two-part series aimed at helping couples start conversations around pornography and a pathway to freedom from addiction. In today’s episode we shared our personal story of struggling with pornography and discussed ways to find freedom from addiction and healing throughout the process.
Pornography (Part 1: The Problem)
This is the first part of a two-part series aimed at helping couples start conversations around pornography and a pathway to freedom from addiction. In today’s episode we looked at the epidemic of pornography and its harmful effects to the individual, the family, and society.
Healing from Past Trauma, the Gospel, and Love (Preston and Jackie Hill Perry)
Today we had special guests Preston and Jackie Hill Perry on the show! Both Preston and Jackie are prolific voices for Jesus in modern culture through teaching, spoken word performances, poetry, and music. Jackie’s book, Gay Girl Good God is available on or wherever books are sold.
Gender Roles in Marriage, Healing After Betrayal, Preparing for Marriage, and More (Q&A)
You asked, we discussed! Listen in as we tackled your most pressing questions about gender roles in marriage, healing after betrayal, and more. We talked about gender roles in marriage, healing after betrayal, how to handle disagreements about dangerous activities, newlywed dilemmas, and more. It was a fun episode. Enjoy!
The Feelings of Men
One of the biggest problems faced by modern men (and their wives) is the numbing and inoculation against feeling true emotions. For some, even when they do feel clearly, it’s equally as challenging to articulating those feeling in a healthy way. In this episode, we talked about the hearts and feelings of men (based on this blog post), how wives can help their husbands process…
Accountability in Marriage (What it Is and What it Isn’t)
Accountability in marriage is so much more than asking if and how you’ve sinned in the past week. It’s about spouses embracing their role in each others’ tangible walk with Christ. In this week’s episode, we talked about what accountability isn’t, what it is, and how to ask questions that get to the heart of the matter. Mentioned:Â Get the accountability questions here
Building an Emotionally Safe Marriage (Dr. Josh and Christi Straub)
Josh and Christi are the real deal. Highly educated, faith-filled, and articulate communicators. In today’s special interview episode, we talked about what it takes to have an emotionally safe marriage. We discussed the “fight, flight, or freeze” response to trauma in your marriage, as well as our tendency to gloss over or forget to utilize ’emotion language’ as couples. We enjoyed our conversation, and we…
Singleness and Dating to the Glory of God
Dating is not something talked about a whole lot in the Bible. We can gather bits and pieces about it, but it can sometimes feel hard to discern the best paths forward in a dating relationship—especially one headed for a fierce marriage. :) In this special podcast episode, we interviewed Kait Warman, a gospel-centered dating “expert” (our word, not hers) and host of the Heart…