Hearing Her: Decrypting Your Wife’s Words

Gentlemen, this post is for you. Let’s just be honest, we aren’t wired like our wives, especially when it comes to communication. Sometimes it feels like she’s speaking a completely foreign language. I won’t try to list common scenarios, because I haven’t found any. We try to listen and respond the best way we know how; why does it sometimes have the complete opposite of…

Peaks and Valleys: Growth and Triumph

“Mountain top experiences”… we’ve all had them. That rush of adrenaline and satisfaction that accompanies our defining moments. In your marriage, peak moments may include your wedding day, the birth of a child, landing a new job, or purchasing your first home. All “peakers” will know that the peak is usually just the climax of an otherwise long and arduous process. It’s our ultimate place…

Quality Time: 3 Habits for Unplugged Dating

Quality time with your spouse is one of the best investments of time and energy you can make. In our super-connected society, we have to fiercely protect that time against leeching distractions. If left unguarded, true quality time with your spouse may be eroded and contaminated.

Video: Sincerely Freedom: Battling Sexual Addiction

Heads up, this topic is intense and the delivery is extremely passionate. It’s well known that sexual addiction plagues many marriages today. This spoken word piece is not for the light hearted. With hard-hitting style and vivid truth, Nick Vitellaro challenges men and women alike to count the cost of pornography addiction and turn to God for lasting freedom.

Until Death Do Us Part

I’m ashamed to admit it but I really enjoy weddings – it doesn’t feel very manly to say so. I enjoy them because they remind me of our wedding and the words Selena and I vowed to uphold (I’m a lousy dancer, so the receptions are awkward at best).

Husbands: Creating and Casting Vision

As a husband, Selena looks to me to be a leader. She desires decisive, meaningful direction in our marriage and in our lives. Don’t get me wrong, she is definitely involved and vocal as we work together to craft our vision. But as the husband, the buck stops with me – I’m responsible to lead lovingly

Managing Financial Stress in Your Marriage

Selena and I have seen more than our fair share of financial hardship. We got married during college (Top Ramen date nights!), made lots of dumb decisions, and quit our jobs to start a business. I’ve lost count of how many times our checking account has been below $50 while we were buried in debt, savings-less, and had to pay rent the next day.

Is Your Facebook Life a Wedge in Your Marriage?

If left unchecked, your Facebook life may cause problems in your marriage. Subtle and seemingly innocent interactions with the opposite sex can be damaging. It seems like everyone is on Facebook. It’s easily the largest single site where people gather online. Facebook has received harsh scrutiny about privacy of it’s users’ information. The result: they have increased our control over who can see each status…

10 Resolutions for a Strong Marriage (pt 2)

Thank God for new beginnings. There’s nothing quite like a clean slate to refresh and renew your energy. January 1 marks a time to celebrate (or mourn) the previous year and set your sights high for the year to come. New Year’s resolutions are typically aimed at burning off extra holiday “festivity” or cleaning up personal finances.While setting goals in fitness and finance can be…

10 Resolutions for a Strong Marriage (part 1)

I love new beginnings and New Year’s Day is no exception! It’s an opportunity to reflect back on the past year and plan for the new year without boundaries. For most, resolutions revolve around fitness goals or financial planning but they shouldn’t stop there. Couples should take this time of year to outline what you can do to allow your marriage to flourish!

Here are ten (five here, five in the next post) resolution suggestions that can make your marriage stronger this year.