Hope for Those Living in a One-Sided Marriage

One of the biggest sources of strife in marriage is being unequally yoked. In this week’s podcast episode, we sought to answer one of the hardest questions we face: What is the husband or wife to do if their spouse isn’t trying or won’t re-engage with the relationship? There’s no easy answer, and everyone’s situation is different. And, if I’m honest, I struggle to answer…

Living with Unshakeable Peace

Well, it was one of those nights…hard to sleep, too much on my mind and slightly anxious about the busy weeks ahead. My stomach turned, seemingly without end. Eventually, I started praying and after a while, I drifted off to sleep. It was a night of crazy, adventurous, and to be honest, stressful dreams (about mountain lions, Ivan the gorilla, and hiking). I woke up…

Recovering After a Bad Fight

Fighting is inevitable in marriage. The key is learning the arts of fighting well and recovering in healthy ways. God’s Word calls us to a lifestyle of reconciliation, which of course applies to marriage. In today’s episode, we’ll share a few of our worst fights and explore biblical ways forward that every couple can apply.

Video: 8 Characteristics of a Healthy Sex Life

One of the most prevalent topics we get questions about is sex and intimacy. And for good reason: sexual intimacy is an important part of marriage, but it also tends to be one of the most misunderstood. For starters, here are some biblical truths about sex: Sex is a good, gracious gift from God. He designed it. Sex is created exclusively for the marriage covenant.…

Part 2: How To Stay Connected When You Aren’t Connecting

This mini-series is about connecting at a deeper level in the midst of dry and barren times in your marriage. The primary way we are highlighting how to connect better is through scripture reading together. Reading the bible, discussing it, and of course I would include prayer in this as well. It’s important to address the deeper heart issues happening before we start prescribing tools like “how…

Part 1: How To Stay Connected When You Aren’t Connecting?

No matter how great your marriage is we all know and have experienced seasons in the wilderness so to speak. By “wilderness” I mean days, weeks, months, or possibly even years, where our marriage feels dry and barren. To some of us, this time feels fruitless and empty…you can’t seem to connect with each other (emotionally, let alone physically) and marriage feels more like a…

Dealing with Anger in Marriage (the Healthy Way)

Listen in as Ryan and Selena discuss how to deal with anger in marriage (i.e. conflict, frustration, bitterness) in productive, biblical ways. Couple’s Challenge After listening, set aside some time to talk and write down anger triggers. Try to trace them back to their root causes and identify why they make you feel this way? Dive into scripture and discover what it says and how…

3 Profound Purposes of Sex and How They Make it Much…Much Better

Sex is so much more than physical and its purposes extend far beyond our immediate pleasure. How exactly has God designed sex for his eternal purposes? How can we enjoy intimacy more deeply knowing that we’re profoundly reflecting certain aspects of God’s grace and goodness in the gospel? In this episode, Ryan and Selena explore three purposes of sex as found in Genesis 1 and…

Responding to Your Calling as a Wife

Growing up in the church and having attended youth camps and conferences my entire childhood, I often heard phrases like, “God has a huge calling on your life!” or “You are called to greatness!” Calling seemed like such a big, grandiose word and to be honest, I had a hard time connecting with it. It was something ambiguous and out there. I figured I’d know it eventually when…

Two Ways to Grow in Trust

The one thing Ryan wants from me is my trust. It’s been something that is hard for me to give to him for many reasons, one in particular is the fact that my parents divorced when I was eight years old. God has definitely been faithful in bringing healing and redemption in my life, and he’s worked all of the brokenness for my good. However,…