Eyes Fixed on Jesus In Trials and Transitions

Proverbs 21:19: “It is better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife.” Lately God has been convicting me about being “that wife.” As most of you know, we try to keep things transparent and real here in the FM community, so here we go…

A Red Cup Lesson in Grace

Ever got into an argument with your spouse about a good decision? Post said decision, both of you come to the realization that you were both right in your motivation and approach, but you ended up butting heads anyways.

No Quick Fix to Marital Issues

I recently re-injured my back/neck while carelessly picking Dela up this past week. If you’ve ever experienced not being able to turn your head, stand up straight or move without writhing in pain, it stinks! Especially when you have a (very) busy 10.5 month old (walker, I might add).

Movie Review: The Song

Ryan and I had the privilege of viewing The Song this past week and overall, I think we would give it 4 out of 5 stars (Ryan said 4.5, I say 4 – just keepin’ it real). I was a little leery, as I am with all movies that are dubbed “Christian” but this was one of the best I’ve seen in awhile and would…

Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness

Recently I’ve been burdened with the word “hope”. Many of us face those tough and sometimes scary moments of feeling hopeless in our marriage. It begs the question, where does our hope come from? Can our hope be sustained in the midst of continual hurt and feelings of hopelessness? Absolutely. 

10 Ways to Pray for Your Husband

Prayer is beautiful, wonderful, and sacrificial. It’s a privilege and a blessing. Before I met Ryan, I was praying for him. And now that we’ve been married for 11 years, I’m praying for him now more than ever.

Book Review: The Best Yes (by Lysa Terkeurst)

In a recent post I shared my latest struggle in our current situation and I have to say that God has been providing me with more encouragement, hope and contentment than I have had in a long time. I know that part of that is because of the precious prayers from our FM community – how do I even begin to thank you? What a…

Thankfulness: Learning How to Speak a New Language

If you asked me how I would describe my life in one word, I would of course have to use two and say “in-between.” Our latest life adventure has taken us to the small fishing town of Westport, WA where we are blessed to be able to enjoy summer a stone’s throw away from the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

How Our Friendships Affect Our Marriage

All too often I’m guilty of allowing ungodly friendships to have a “say” in my marriage. I’m not saying we’re suppose to shun all of our married unbeliever friends and never hangout with them. What I am saying is that having filters on who we let have a voice in our marriage is a way of fighting fiercely for it.