Video: What Does 50 Years of Marriage Look Like?

So what does 50 years of marriage and friendship look like? Bill & Glad show us a glimpse. I simply had to share their story. As Selena will attest, I’m not really a cryer. It’s not that I don’t feel, I think I’m just pretty even-keel about things. I think she can count on one hand the times she’s seen me cry…our wedding day, the death…

3 Ps That Can Poison Your Marriage (Part 2)

In my last post I discussed our ‘propensity for poison’ and covered the first P that can poison your marriage. If you haven’t, I encourage you to read it first, as it prefaces this post and sets a solid foundation. With that said, let’s dive right in to the second and third Ps that can poison your marriage. The Three Ps That Can Poison Your…

3 Ps That Can Poison Your Marriage (Part 1)

Pennies, perversion, and pride. Selena and I have experienced each ‘poison’ for sure; there’s no getting around it. In fact, each poison tries to rear its ugly head and we’re often engaged in full blown warfare to keep them at bay.  They are truly poisonous, they will kill your marriage unless addressed with God’s help. In this post, I’ll discuss our ‘propensity for poison’ and cover the first…

Christ’s Love Compels Us: Are we loving our spouses the way God intended?

This past weekend I was challenged to rediscover the love of Christ in my life. Why? Because I was feeling slightly burnt out from ministry; a little overwhelmed by life (being pregnant is NO JOKE) and my patience was wearing thin – blame the tiredness of pregnancy or my inability to deal with the daily challenges of life…I was depending on myself and failing miserably. 


I enjoy trees immensely. They’re beautiful, complex, and essential for life on earth. I find them interesting biologically (just ask Selena.. she’s had to endure many of my nerdy observations) and I find them revealing when we view them as an analogy for our lives with God. This morning for my devotional, I broke my current pattern of working through John and decided to do…

The Importance of God’s Word For Your Marriage (Part 2)

God’s Word is oxygen for your soul and brings life to areas that are seemingly dead in your marriage. God’s Word: What it means to me and Ryan Like the air we breathe, God’s Word has become something Ryan and I CANNOT live without. Yes, we are human and miss a few days of bible reading…AND WE NOTICE IT!

The Importance of God’s Word in Your Marriage (Part 1)

The Word of God is alive and powerful. So why does it seem like it’s always so hard to make time for? Maybe to some of us it’s challenging to read, or seemingly irrelevant for daily life – let alone relatable to marriage. You’re not alone.

You Are His Beloved

I’m reading “Life of the Beloved” by Henri Nouwen, and it’s messing with me in an incredible way. I can’t articulate fully how it’s affecting me but I wanted to share an excerpt that hit me especially hard this morning. The book is phrased as a letter to one of Henri’s friends. It has a fatherly tone where he gently encourages, challenges, and wishes for…

God’s Word > Pop Culture

We’ve all been on Pinterest and seen the marriage quotes, relationship quotes, quotes galore – you’ve probably even seen them on our Facebook page. Lately I’ve felt prompted to uncover a bit more of why we post what we post and how we are (and try to be) intentional about what’s on our site and social media platforms. There are many different messages out there, especially…