Battling feelings

Everyday we are facing different battles in our faith which directly affect our marriage. Lately, to be honest, I’ve had a difficult time walking in the freedom

Conquering Mountains: For Her or For Nothing

Wives, encouraging your husband helps him more than you know. If other men are like me, we live to impress and inspire our wives. Your meaningful, intentional affirmation is like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart! Last week I summited Mt. Rainier for the second time. At the peak, there’s a steel box with a log book inside.

Your Marriage is Your Ministry

We spend lots of time trying to figure out how to be better spouses and have better marriages, but what for? Do we refine ourselves and our marriages to simply have better lives or is there some grander purpose we need to tune into? I would certainly argue the latter: we aren’t called to follow Christ simply for our own pleasure. In fact, when we…

Interview with Craig Gross, Founder of

When I picked up “Open”  and read a few chapters, I quickly got that familiar feeling: this book is going to make me mad. I don’t say that because of the way Craig writes or the statements he makes, I say that because I knew this book was going to challenge me into uncomfortable action. There are books you read for fun and some you…

10 Ways to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs (Part 2)

This post is the second and last part of a series on how to be the husband your wife needs. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to review the first post as it lays a foundation for why we need to look to Jesus as our example of how to be the husband our wife needs most.

10 Ways to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs (Part 1)

We all want to be good husbands. At least if you’re reading this post you probably do. Wanting to be a good husband, however, is rarely enough to help us get there; we need to know how to do it. Let’s explore how to be the husband your wife needs most.

What if my marriage is dead?

Whoever said marriage is easy, obviously has never been married. Let’s be honest, we’re all at different places in our marriage journeys, and no matter where we are, there is always at least one area that could use a breath of life. Of all the content we post on Facebook, we get prayer requests and questions from people asking “What if my marriage is dead?“.…

Book Review: Wife After God | A 30-Day Marriage Devotional for Wives

I don’t even know how to start this review. The Wife After God devotional literally put words to my heart and I am anxious to reread it AGAIN. In all honesty I’m a pretty harsh book critic, especially when it comes to devotionals (ask Ryan), and Wife After God is definitely NOT your ordinary morning devotional.

Being Pregnant and Married

The secret is out; Ryan and I are due to have a little baby girl in December and we couldn’t be happier! However, we are wrestling through being pregnant and married; and trying to strike new balances in this new season of life. Don’t worry, we’re not turning this into a “How to parent your child” blog – we are still all about marriage and…

Covering your spouse

Ever had those mornings where the chaos seems to escalate the closer you get to the door? Welcome to last Tuesday morning in the Frederick household. Every year Ryan and I take about a week off and take our time driving up the west coast to visit family and friends and to escape the blazing heat of the desert for a few weeks.