Every couple deals with money issues at some point in their marriage. It’s continually a source of stress and a trigger for arguments. Almost every problem around money stems from a lack of margin in every area of life. We tend to live our lives right to the edges, working long hours, spending too much, and struggling to find any semblance of peace in the…
Social Media and Marriage: Using Wisdom on Facebook, Instagram, etc.
If left unchecked, your social media life can create problems in your marriage. The advent of social media sites has created much conversation about the privacy of users’ information. The result: each has increased user control over who can see each update, image, interaction, and like. In general, it’s a great improvement but for married couples, it raises an important question of transparency and accountability…
Five Habits for Hearing and Being Heard
Communication is not just about saying and hearing words—it’s all about relaying ideas accurately with the intent of building a mutual understanding. When you practice healthy habits for talking, listening, and processing together, it’s for the good of your marriage and ultimately, for the glory of God. If we are to have marriages that are healthy, enjoyable, and intentional, we must learn and apply wise principles…
Fighting for Priorities When Marriage is Tough
Priorities are and will continue to be one of the biggest issues in every marriage. When your priorities are out of whack, it hurts. And when they’re properly ordered, everything just feels right. What would you say your ideal priority list looks like? Maybe something like this: God Others (spouse, then kids) Everyone/Everything else Depending on the day you may be good at keeping those…
Intimacy Without Frustration, Obligation, or Missed Expectations
Many couples wonder how to gain agreement about sex and intimacy when life is busy, schedules are hectic, and expectations for sex seem constantly misaligned. If you’re at all like Selena and me, you and your spouse probably don’t desire sex the same way or with the same frequency. This can cause frustration in your marriage that, if left untreated or undiscussed, can turn into…
Introducing the Fierce Marriage Podcast!
A few months back we asked readers (you) what sort of content would help you and your marriage most. To be honest, your answer surprised and delighted us: you asked for a podcast! So, after years of wishing and wondering if we should launch it, we’ve finally taken the plunge into the world of podcasting! Your request was the final nudge we needed to get…
Husband in Pursuit: Into the Wild
Having a morning routine is like an anchor for my day. But all too often I’m content skipping what matters most: time with God. If I oversleep or grab my phone too quickly, I’ll lose track of time and get caught up with whatever tasks are on my plate for the day. I may read a verse somewhere online or say a half-hearted prayer, but…
What is “Your Best Us”?
A few years back, Selena and I were thinking about moving to Dallas for school. It’s a big decision so we decided to visit for a week. During our stay, a few things happened: God made it abundantly clear that we were NOT supposed to move there. We discovered how cold Dallas can get (temperatures in the mid-20s and gusts of wind over 30 mph) We experienced…
6 Ideas for Unified Prayer in Your Marriage
Prayer is a core part of the Christian life; naturally, it should extend to our most intimate relationship: marriage. One author and theologian, Henri Nouwen says: “a spiritual life without prayer is like the gospel without Christ.” Two common questions about prayer and marriage People often write to us asking about prayer in their marriage. These are two of the most common questions we receive:…
Leading With Genuine Love and Truth
This may strike you as a radical statement—perhaps even as one that overreaches: “A man cannot lead his family with genuine love and truth until he is lead by the love and truth of Christ.” However, let me explain. Note: the below can definitely apply to women as well! As a man, a husband, and a father, I’ve experienced a consistent connection between how well…