Video: What does selfless love look like?

UPDATE: Ian and Larissa have recently written a book about their remarkable story. It’s called “Eight Twenty Eight”, and you can check it out on their website. We talk about selfless love quite a bit. It truly is the ultimate goal for married couples to understand and live out selfless love: both in how we love each other and in how we experience Christ’s love.

Christ’s Love Compels Us: Are we loving our spouses the way God intended?

This past weekend I was challenged to rediscover the love of Christ in my life. Why? Because I was feeling slightly burnt out from ministry; a little overwhelmed by life (being pregnant is NO JOKE) and my patience was wearing thin – blame the tiredness of pregnancy or my inability to deal with the daily challenges of life…I was depending on myself and failing miserably. 

The Importance of God’s Word For Your Marriage (Part 2)

God’s Word is oxygen for your soul and brings life to areas that are seemingly dead in your marriage. God’s Word: What it means to me and Ryan Like the air we breathe, God’s Word has become something Ryan and I CANNOT live without. Yes, we are human and miss a few days of bible reading…AND WE NOTICE IT!

The Importance of God’s Word in Your Marriage (Part 1)

The Word of God is alive and powerful. So why does it seem like it’s always so hard to make time for? Maybe to some of us it’s challenging to read, or seemingly irrelevant for daily life – let alone relatable to marriage. You’re not alone.

God’s Word > Pop Culture

We’ve all been on Pinterest and seen the marriage quotes, relationship quotes, quotes galore – you’ve probably even seen them on our Facebook page. Lately I’ve felt prompted to uncover a bit more of why we post what we post and how we are (and try to be) intentional about what’s on our site and social media platforms. There are many different messages out there, especially…

Battling feelings

Everyday we are facing different battles in our faith which directly affect our marriage. Lately, to be honest, I’ve had a difficult time walking in the freedom

What if my marriage is dead?

Whoever said marriage is easy, obviously has never been married. Let’s be honest, we’re all at different places in our marriage journeys, and no matter where we are, there is always at least one area that could use a breath of life. Of all the content we post on Facebook, we get prayer requests and questions from people asking “What if my marriage is dead?“.…

Book Review: Wife After God | A 30-Day Marriage Devotional for Wives

I don’t even know how to start this review. The Wife After God devotional literally put words to my heart and I am anxious to reread it AGAIN. In all honesty I’m a pretty harsh book critic, especially when it comes to devotionals (ask Ryan), and Wife After God is definitely NOT your ordinary morning devotional.

Being Pregnant and Married

The secret is out; Ryan and I are due to have a little baby girl in December and we couldn’t be happier! However, we are wrestling through being pregnant and married; and trying to strike new balances in this new season of life. Don’t worry, we’re not turning this into a “How to parent your child” blog – we are still all about marriage and…