Stop judging your spouse

After reading Matthew 7, I was challenged with the idea of judgement and hurt. How judgement hurts our spouse, ourselves and our marriage. How many times have I passed judgement on Ryan?  I’m not talking eternal judgement (that’s God’s realm), I’m talking the cranky me who didn’t get enough sleep and suddenly feels the right to pridefully judge (i.e. nit pick) every small thing he does…

Your marriage is not a DIY project

Have you ever tried to do a DIY project? Honestly, I feel like I am somewhat of a creative mind, but when it comes to DIY projects (hello Pinterest) I’m like a first-grader learning how to write in cursive. Spoon rings A few Christmas’ ago I tried to do spoon rings for my Young Life girls. Easy-peasy right? Get a few sterling silver spoons from…

Book Review: Love Does (by Bob Goff)

If you’re looking for a Godly, encouraging and a light, easy read — pick up Love Does. If you haven’t heard of this book yet, I’m glad I can introduce you to it! Although it’s not a marriage book – Love Does is a great read and might be just what the doctor ordered

Why Your Marriage Needs Fighting, and Lots of It

If you’re looking for a new book to read, I’d encourage you to check out Love Does by Bob Goff. It’s not a marriage book, but every life lesson Bob shares could easily be translated into marriage. In chapter 28 (“Skin in the Game”) Goff discusses fighting…why fighting for the right things (Godly injustices), with the right tools (love), is important. What better topic to write…

Celebrating 1 Year of Fierce Marriage!

As much as we do try and keep up with the latest blogging times, having a baby definitely changes things…mainly your schedule. Needless to say, our New Year’s post is a bit later than we would have liked, but the reason is worthy, and we appreciate your grace. The beginning This time last year Ryan and I were packed like sardines in the streets of London…

Pains and Rewards of the Humble Route

The humble route is hardly the desirable route to take in any situation, let alone marriage, but why? Why do we fight it? Often times we lean on ourselves; taking pride in our own ability to handle things, instead of leaning into Jesus during the challenging times with our spouse. Learning to trust him and take him at his Word is no small task, but it is

Video: What does selfless love look like?

UPDATE: Ian and Larissa have recently written a book about their remarkable story. It’s called “Eight Twenty Eight”, and you can check it out on their website. We talk about selfless love quite a bit. It truly is the ultimate goal for married couples to understand and live out selfless love: both in how we love each other and in how we experience Christ’s love.

Christ’s Love Compels Us: Are we loving our spouses the way God intended?

This past weekend I was challenged to rediscover the love of Christ in my life. Why? Because I was feeling slightly burnt out from ministry; a little overwhelmed by life (being pregnant is NO JOKE) and my patience was wearing thin – blame the tiredness of pregnancy or my inability to deal with the daily challenges of life…I was depending on myself and failing miserably. 

The Importance of God’s Word For Your Marriage (Part 2)

God’s Word is oxygen for your soul and brings life to areas that are seemingly dead in your marriage. God’s Word: What it means to me and Ryan Like the air we breathe, God’s Word has become something Ryan and I CANNOT live without. Yes, we are human and miss a few days of bible reading…AND WE NOTICE IT!

The Importance of God’s Word in Your Marriage (Part 1)

The Word of God is alive and powerful. So why does it seem like it’s always so hard to make time for? Maybe to some of us it’s challenging to read, or seemingly irrelevant for daily life – let alone relatable to marriage. You’re not alone.