The Issue Is Never The Issue – Going To The Source

For the last week or so, Ryan and I haven’t exactly been on the same page about everything…not fun. Blame it on jet-lag tiredness or entering back into the SoCal culture, but we were irritatingly out of sync. What’s worse, we couldn’t figure it out, at first. We were civil and may have even appeared “fine” to the outside world, but every little thing he…

What Happens When the Happiness Fades?

After (almost) 10 years of marriage, and 4 years of dating before that, I’ve learned that making decisions about your marriage/relationship based on happiness is never a good idea. Are we supposed to make our spouses happy? Of course, God wants us to be intentional with our spouses; to cherish, love and honor them. However, happiness is NOT the ultimate objective…it can’t be.

3-D Adventures: Bonding on a Budget

In a previous post (TIME), I mentioned that one of Ryan and I’s favorite things to do is to take road trips together! We absolutely love DRIVING – we look forward to getting on the road and driving away for a few hours. Getting away and spending quality time with your spouse doesn’t have to be expensive or exotic.

Guilt at Byron’s Burgers

Don’t worry, this isn’t a post about how we overate burgers and feel guilty about it…although it has happened on occasion. Having 8 days left, we’ve been running around trying to soak in every last bit of foggy London town before we have to hop on a jumbo jet back to the states. What better way to emerge back into reality (and a new year)…