Handle With Care: Wives dealing with pornography in their marriage

As wives, how should we respond to this battle of pornography? More specifically, how do we deal with our husband’s struggle? First of all, it’s no longer his struggle, it’s our struggle. Being Christians and remaining abstinent until we were married, sex wasn’t an issue being newlyweds. It was frequent and awesome – our marriage was, for lack of a better term, GREAT! But as Ryan mentioned in his…

Fight Sexual Addiction Like a Man

“We need to stop treating pornography like a fly at the picnic and start treating it like a viper in the bedroom.” Men, it’s time we live with character, courage, and conviction that are unshakeable. It’s time to live without secrets, in complete transparency. The most taboo area of secrecy for husbands is sexual addiction – i.e. pornography addiction. As men, we cannot afford to…

Choose Your Spouse Daily

This past weekend I had the privilege of taking my Young Life small group of girls (known as Campaigners) to a camp designed especially for Campaigners. It was quite the squeeze into my busy photography schedule, but I felt like it was something God wanted me to do.

Tips for Awesome Sex in Your Marriage (part 2)

Sex is one of those things that has the power to deeply connect a couple, or devastate them. In the context of marriage, sex is designed by God for edification, beauty, and pleasure. And with it’s prevalence in pop-culture, healthy sex is largely ill-defined and incompletely portrayed. As married couples, it’s important to conciously evolve and improve our sex lives to better meet the needs of each…

Our First Video Blog: What Should We Talk About Next?

So, this is our first video blog post! It was actually much more fun than either of us thought it would be… This video’s purpose is three-fold: To say ‘howdy-do‘ to our new readers (and viewers!?) To introduce FM vids for the first time To ask YOU for ideas on what to talk about! Please post your ideas for future videos/blogs in the comments below!

Compassion Through Solitude

Compassion is essential to a Godly marriage. Easy to say, harder to live out. Marriage seems to be blissful for the first year or so. About 3 years into it, you may find yourselves bickering a little bit more and if you make it to the 5 year mark, it’s said to be smoother sailing (depends on who you ask I guess). For us, we…

Together While Apart

Ryan and I LOVE to travel and due to the nature of our jobs we’ve been able to jet-set quite a bit these last 2 years. Ideally every single trip would be together, but that isn’t always possible. So how can we remain connected and together while we’re apart? I feel like this is something most couples face in our day and age. Travelling for…

Video: She almost flew away but he held on to her ever so tightly

We’re just meeting many of our readers, and we’re enjoying every minute of it. We plan on posting short video blogs over the next few weeks where we can be more transparent and accessible. We thought this first video would be a lighthearted place to start! Our best friends Jeff and Alise Marsh shot this video for us as gift, near our home in Palm…

The Power of Encouraging Your Spouse

No one can encourage me like Selena – her words, her actions, her belief, and her touch. She has the power to diffuse stress and literally give me energy. Encouragement should be a regularly practiced part of a healthy marriage – key word: practiced. Good encouragement takes trial and frequency. As a husband or a wife, it’s important to figure out what speaks loudest and…

Stuck, Stranded, and Out of Options

Jesus teaches with parables and through our experiences. Yesterday I was reflecting on an experience I had that serves as a great analogy for life and marriage. I got myself stuck and stranded beyond hope, but my rescue was within grasp the entire time…