Being married = inevitable challenges DAILY! One of the primary reasons we wrote this blog was to offer help to others who are also walking out this adventure called marriage. We’re not alone, and we don’t have to feel that way. God is always sharpening and growing us to become more like Him. One thing we can’t discount, as Christian married couples, is the fact…
Matters Of The Heart: Priorities and Purchasing
Glancing at any social media site today (ehm, Valentine’s Day) it’s littered with “I Love You” status updates and online gifts for you to purchase for your special someone. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy an excuse to get dressed up and go out to a nice dinner. Or get a special gift from Ryan (hope he’s reading this!)
The History of Valentine’s Day & 5 Creative Ways to Celebrate
This week, couples around the world will commemorate Valentine’s Day by giving flowers, jewelry, candy, and cards to their significant others. Around 1 Billion valentines will be mailed this year. Despite being such a popular holiday, few understand Valentine’s Day’s roots. Is it just a gimmick to drive consumerism or is there a deeper meaning behind February 14th?
Fierce Respect, Part 1: Loving Your Husband
With Valentine’s Day around the corner love is definitely in the air. As I search for ways to show Ryan how much I love him, I’m brought back to God’s Word; the ultimate guide on how to fiercely love my husband.
Muddy Monday
In this blog, Ryan and I continue to aim for transparency and honesty. I’m not convinced there are 3-steps to success in any area of life…especially marriage. The Issue Being a Washington native (go Dawgs!) and horse-crazy as a young girl, I’ve had my share of trudging through the rain and thick wet mud. Having lost more than one rubber-wellie boot in ankel deep sludge…
Twitter’s Vine App Review: Implications for Marriage
It’s been about a week since the official launch if Twitter’s “Vine” app in the iOS app store; so here’s a quick review of how it may affect your marriage. This review is NOT a review of the app for it’s user interface, technical, or design attributes. This review is meant to help you answer the question of whether it will help or hurt your…
Hearing Her: Decrypting Your Wife’s Words
Gentlemen, this post is for you. Let’s just be honest, we aren’t wired like our wives, especially when it comes to communication. Sometimes it feels like she’s speaking a completely foreign language. I won’t try to list common scenarios, because I haven’t found any. We try to listen and respond the best way we know how; why does it sometimes have the complete opposite of…
Peaks and Valleys: Growth and Triumph
“Mountain top experiences”… we’ve all had them. That rush of adrenaline and satisfaction that accompanies our defining moments. In your marriage, peak moments may include your wedding day, the birth of a child, landing a new job, or purchasing your first home. All “peakers” will know that the peak is usually just the climax of an otherwise long and arduous process. It’s our ultimate place…
Miracles In Your Marriage
Yesterday at church we had the privilege of learning from a true scholar, compassionate minister, and friend to our senior pastor, Mr. Robby Booth. In his solid message about the Setting For A Transformational Miracle, one thing in particular got me thinking…
Quality Time: 3 Habits for Unplugged Dating
Quality time with your spouse is one of the best investments of time and energy you can make. In our super-connected society, we have to fiercely protect that time against leeching distractions. If left unguarded, true quality time with your spouse may be eroded and contaminated.